Sunday, August 30, 2009

Oh! What glorious FIRE OIL!(?)

What a wondrous day! Spent playing Plants Vs. Zombies (which I conquered today FYI), wandering around Wal-Greens, exploring an extraordinarily interesting Harvest Fest, and creating a delicious/nutritious meal in under an hour.
Pretty great eh?

Well, I think so.

On the cooking note, we've started a Recipe blog in which anyone is invited to contribute. I hope you all do. it should be awesome, I added the link to my links section.

Here's a look at our first contribution to the blog! And tonight's dinner. Which is inside of me. Right now. Gross.


I've been waaaaaaaay into Cat Power these days. So, have one of her "Greatest" on me bahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHahHAHAHA!!!!!1!!! I win.


1 comment:

  1. Yea! Plants vs Zombies!
    For a while I would see a chili shaped thing and be like "That defeats a whole row" in my head. hehe
