Monday, August 3, 2009


So we're dragging our feet in Phoenix. We were going strong with our heads held high, then the A/C crapped out... kept driving... truck started to smell funny... kept driving... smoke started coming from the hood. So... needless to say, we stopped at a Shell station in Phoenix AZ. Hands down, that was the hottest, sweatiest, most uncomfortable I've been in my life.

Good news is, I now know how to change a fan belt (though that did NOT fix the problem). So we're now at Jameson's cousins house laying in a room with a fake arm that Matt swears "grabbed" his ankle as we walked out earlier. Oh, it has been a day! Hopefully we can get up early and sniff out a cheap mechanic. Until then, enjoy the smooth jams of my main man, Jim James!

My Morning Jacket

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